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[School of Mathematics and Statistics]
Algebra Seminar
University of Sydney> Maths & Stats> Research> Algebra Seminar> Abstracts


Arun Ram
University of Wisconsin

q-analogues of diagram algebras

Friday 27th September, 12-1pm, Carslaw 373.

The group algebras of the symmetric groups are contained in the Brauer algebras and these in turn contain the Temperley Lieb algebras and are contained in the partition algebras (discovered by V. Jones). All the other centralizer algebras of this type (diagram algebras) are contained in the partition algebras (invented by V. Jones).

A q-analogue of the group algebra of the symmetric group is given by the Iwahori-Hecke algebras of type A, and the BMW algebras are the right q-analogue of the Brauer algebras. It has been open for some time how to build a good q-analogue of the partition algebras. In this talk I will explain how we settle this question. This is joint work with T. Halverson.