Cosmological Time in Quantum Supergravity


Robert Graham and Hugh Luckock


Research Report 96-16
Date: 28 March 1996


The version of supergravity formulated by Ogievetsky and Sokatchev is almost identical to the conventional N=1 theory, except that the cosmological constant appears as a dynamical variable which is constant only by virtue of the field equations. We consider the canonical quantisation of this theory, and show that the wave function evolves with respect to a dynamical variable which can be interpreted as a cosmological time parameter. The square of the modulus of the wave function obeys a set of simple conservation eqautions, and can be interpreted as a probability density functional. The usual problems associated with time in quantum cosmology are avoided.)

Key phrases

canonical quantisation. supergravity. quantum cosmology.

AMS Subject Classification (1991)



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Sydney Mathematics and Statistics