Research Portfolio

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Dr. Karina Arias Calluari

I am an early career researcher in data analysis currently working on developing non-linear mathematical models for understanding the dynamics of honeybee colonies at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sydney. I have completed my PhD thesis on 'Methods for Forecasting Stock Markets' with the Complex System group. During my PhD studies, I worked on large datasets of financial time series and applied novel mathematical models of diffusion processes to understand the non-linear fluctuations in market data.

My Postdoc and PhD research aimed to apply PDEs (Partial Differential Equations) and analytical solution methods to understand the underlying mechanism from datasets. My Master's thesis was 'Agent-Based simulation of the stock market using price-fluctuation games model'. I am interested in developing mathematical and multi-agent modelling approaches that combine theoretical models with data-centred statistical analyses to obtain interpretable information. I am an enthusiastic collaborator and have developed considerable technical and communication skills by working with diverse research, administration and tutoring teams.

Affiliation: School Mathematics and Statistics & School of Life and Environmental Sciences (Usyd)
Address: School of Mathematics and Statistics F07
University of Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
Group: Complex Systems and Data Science
SOLES codeRs
Google Scholar: PhD Karina Arias-Calluari
Social Media: @karinaariasc1
Events: Emerging Aspirations in Complex Systems

Research Interest

List of publications and repositories

Mathematical biology

Complex Systems in Stock Markets

Off-Grid Technologies


Contributions to peer review: