Speaker: Cheryl Praeger (UWA)
Title: Planning your career for grant success
Abstract: Research grants - do we mathematicians need them? What benefits are there to be found in the process of writing an application? Do they really promote teamwork and collaboration?

Cheryl received BSc and MSc degrees from the University of Queensland, and her doctorate from the University of Oxford in 1973 under the direction of Peter Neumann. She is currently an ARC Federation Fellow and Winthrop Professor of Mathematics at the University of Western Australia. Her research in group theory, algebraic graph theory, and combinatorics has made her Australia's most highly cited pure mathematician. She served as president of the Australian Mathematical Society from 1992 to 1994. She is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, and a Member of the Order of Australia. Since 2007 she has been on the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union. She was awarded honorary doctorates by the Prince of Songkla University in 1993 and by the Universit\'e Libre de Bruxelles in 2005. She was named WA Scientist of the Year in 2009.