SMS scnews item created by Anthony Henderson at Mon 10 Dec 2018 1007
Type: Announce
Distribution: World
Expiry: 31 Dec 2018
Auth: anthonyh@ (ahen2753) in SMS-WASM

Congratulations to Joel Gibson and Timothy Roberts

In the 2018 AustMS meeting at the University of Adelaide last week, half of the awarded
students were from our School (which also happened in 2017, incidentally): 

Joel Gibson was joint winner of the Bernhard Neumann Prize for the best student
presentation at the conference, for his talk `The product monomial crystal' in the
Repesentation Theory session.  

Timothy Roberts was given one of two Honourable Mentions by the judging panel, for his
talk `Stable nonphysical waves in a model of tumour invasion' in the Dynamical Systems
and Ergodic Theory session.  

Congratulations, Joel and Tim!