The variety of regular elements g^{reg} carries a flat group scheme Z, the family of centralizers. Using the Kostant section we get a flat group scheme over t/W. The vector bundle of Lie algebras is canonically identified with the cotangent bundle to t/W. Thus we get a functor Coh^Z(t/W) \to Coh (T(t/W)), coherent sheaves on the tangent to t/W. Using base change we get a functor Coh^Z(S) \to Coh (T(t/W)\times_{t/W} S) where S=t\times_{t/W} t is Soergel's variety (the action of Z everywhere is, of course, trivial). There is an increasing sequence of closed subschemes Z_n in T(t/W)\times_{t/W} S of dimension dim(t) and the above functor lands in Coh(Z_n) for some n. This is related to affine SBim as follows. Consider the affine Cartan t' fitting in the s.e.s. t--> t' --> C. Let's exhaust W_{aff} by finite subsets W_1\subset W_2... and let Z'_n be the union of the graphs of w\in W_i, thus Z'_n\subset t'\times_C t'. The action of W_{aff} on t factors through W, so Z'_n\cap (t\times t) is contained in S=t\times_{t/W} t. Let's now blow up S in t'\times_C t' removing the proper preimage of the zero fiber t\times t. We get a "renormalized" version of t'\times C t' which maps to C, with nonzero fibers identified with (t \times t) while the 0 fiber is T(t/W)\times_{t/W} S. Taking the proper transform of Z_n' we get a subscheme whose fiber over 0 is our Z_n. Upshot: Z_n is the renormalized 0 fiber of the union of graphs of w\in W_n. By the way, if we don't restrict to the zero fiber, we get a version of affine SBim which "controls" the category of monodromic sheaves on the total space of punctured determinant bundle of \tilde Fl (or, Koszul dually, loop rotation equivariant complexes on I\Fl). On the Coh^Z(t/W) side this corresponds to deforming Coh^G(g) to Harish-Chandra bimodules on which one considers the Whittaker functor, see section 4 of our paper with Finkelberg,