Original from Spain, I started my carrer in physics in 2013 in the University of Barcelona. In the last years of the degree, I started to work in complex networks my analizing the collaboration networks in the University of Barcelona and among physicist who coauthored papers published in the American Physical Society. In 2016 I studied a master in Master in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry. From 2017 to 2021 I did my PhD in complex systems and Bayesian inference with the supervision of Marta Sales-Pardo and Roger Guimerà Manrique. Now I'm a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Sydney working with Eduardo G. Altmann.
For that purpose, we used the papers published in the American Physical Society (APS) with Spanish collaborators. Using techniques of communities detection based on modularity, the titles of the papers, the PACS and the journals that the papers were published we could identify and also characterized the communities that the Spanish physicists form. I also have developed an interactive web application that allows to visualize these networks.
Thanks to this analysis, we have discovered that the most relevant PACS are that ones that belongs to General, Condensed Matter: Structural, Mechanical and Thermal Properties and Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Properties.
Also, an analysis to the researcher level have been done. In that case, we compute for each researcher the entropy of the PACS distribution of their papers. These entropies measures how interdisciplinar is each physicist. Doing that for each physicist and each time interval, we can see the individual evolution of their interdisciplinarity. To study the general trend, we compute the mean of the entropy in each time interval. As a conclussion, we can see that despite the mean entropy is low, a general trend to increase their interdisciplanrity as time pass.
In this thesis I have being studying the balance between the likelihood and the prior when Bayesian inference methods are used to solve model selection problems. Bayesian inference in the context of the model selection problem tries to look for the most plausible model \(\mathcal{M}\) given the dataset \(\mathcal{D}\), that is, the model that maximizes the posterior probability \(P(\mathcal{M}|\mathcal{D})\): $$P(\mathcal{M}|\mathcal{D}) = \frac{1}{P(\mathcal{M})}e^{-\mathcal{D}(\mathcal{M})}$$ Where \( \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{M}) \) is the description length of the model \(\mathcal{M}\) and the data \(\mathcal{D}\). The description length can be divided into two additive parts: $$\mathcal{D}(\mathcal{M}) = \mathcal{D}_L(D|\mathcal{M}) + \mathcal{D}_P(\mathcal{M})$$ Where:
The fact that both terms sums, it implies that depending on how much are the contributions of the likelihood and the prior, the inference process can be driven by one, the other or both.
To show you more in detail this phenomena, let's suppose that we can change two factors that determine the importance of the likelihood and the prior: the ammount of data and the noise. As more data, the contribution of the description lenght of the likelihood is high. As more noise has the data, the contribution of the prior will dicrease beacause we assign to the correct model less probability. In the interactive figure from below you can see in detail how both terms are dominating in different scenarios.
In my first postdoc I worked in a collaboration project with the SeesLab and the Alephsys Lab both groups in Tarragona. The main goal of the project was to predict the incidence of COVID-19 in several countries using symbolic regression. The way to do that is by using a algorithm called the Bayesian Machine Scientist.
Here we tried to get the mathematical expressions that describe the amount of people with COVID-19 but who have not been tested positive. The data that we used as the real incidence is a deconvolution from the deaths by COVID-19 from 9 different countries.
A paper with the results has been recently published at PloS Computational Biology
My current postdoc working along Dr Eduardo G. Altmann in the University of Sydney.The goal of this project is to focus more in a more complex network point of view to model contagious trees networks and use them to answer questions. From one side I developed a MCMC algorithm that allow us to inspect the whole landscape of posteriors. From the other side, we want to use genetic data and or contact tracing to see how the landscape changes and see how effective are this extra information to understand what is happening. As before in my first project, here we are going to maximize the posterior using as a likelihood the infection tree model and as a prior, a model related with the metadata (a phylogeny model for example).
Also, with collaboration from epidemiologists from the Westmead Hospital, we want to see if we can use our approach to be applied in policy making.
Postal address: |
Dr Oscar Fajardo Fontiveros School of Mathematics and Statistics F07, office 534 University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia |
Email: | oscarf@maths.usyd.edu.au |
FAX: | +61 2 9351 4534 |