Geometric Structures Working Seminar

Meetings in 2025 take place on Fridays, 14:00–16:00, in the SMRI Collaboration Space (A12.301).

about the seminar

This is a working seminar on geometric and topological structures on manifolds. Lectures are given by the participants. Everyone interested in participating is welcome.

The focus in 2023 is on hyperbolic structures on surfaces and 3-manifolds. The focus in 2019 was on structures on 4-manifolds and trisections (Semester 1) and deformations of real projective structures (Semester 2). The focus in 2015-2016 was on moduli spaces of geometric structures on manifolds, and their connections with topology, group theory and higher Teichmüller theory.

2023 – second semester


Thursday, 3 August, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Thomas Le Fils: TBA
Thursday, 10 August, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Stephan Tillmann: A primer of hyperbolic geometry
Thursday, 17 August, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Grace Garden: Earthquake maps, I
Thursday, 24 August, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Sepehr Saryazdi: Earthquake maps, II
Thursday, 31 August, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Declan Zammit: Extending earthquakes to the boundary, I
Thursday, 7 September, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Grace Garden: Extending earthquakes to the boundary, II
Thursday, 14 September, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Thursday, 21 September, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Thursday, 28 September
Mid-semester break
Thursday, 5 October, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Thursday, 12 October, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Thursday, 19 October, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257
Thursday, 26 October, 15:00–16:30, Carslaw 157-257

2023 – first semester


Friday, 24 February, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
James Morgan: FG1 Section 3
Friday, 3 March, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
Sophie Ham: FG1 Section 3
Friday, 10 March, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
Lucy Tobin: FG1 Section 3
Friday 17 March, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
Youheng Yao: FG1 Section 4
Friday, 24 March, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
Thomas Le Fils and Grace Garden: Milnor's work on volume and FG1 Section 4
Friday, 21 April, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
Thomas Le Fils: FG1 Section 5
Friday, 28 March, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
Rhuaidi Bourke: Exotic 4-d triangulations
Friday, 5 April, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
Grace Garden: FG1 Section 6
Friday, 12 April, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
Stephan Tillmann: Angle structures and normal surfaces after Casson
Friday, 19 May, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
Sophie Ham: A result of Rivin on maxima on the boundary
Friday, 26 May, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
James Morgan: Veering triangulations
Friday, 2 June, 14:00–16:00, Carslaw 373
Lucy Tobin: FG2, Section 2
Friday, 9 June, 11:00–13:00, Carslaw 373
Youheng Yao: FG2, Sections 3 & 4
Friday, 16 June, 11:00–13:00, Quad
Yossi Bokor Bleile: Applications of topological data analysis
Friday, 23 June, 11:00–13:00, Carslaw 380
Grace Garden: FG2, Section 5
Friday, 30 June, 11:00–13:00, Carslaw 380, 15min lightening talks
Reymond Akpanya (RWTH Aachen): A group-theoretic approach for constructing spherical interlocking assemblies
Thomas Le Fils: Random 3-manifolds after Thurston and Dunfield
James Morgan: The extended persistent homology transform
Youheng Yao: Parameterising PGL(3,C) representations after Zickert, Goerner and Garoufalidis
Friday, 7 July, 11:00–13:00, Carslaw 273
Thomas Le Fils: FG2, Section 6
Friday, 14 July, 11:00–13:00, Carslaw 273
Robert Tang (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University): Large-scale geometry of the Rips filtration
Friday, 28 July, 11:00–13:00, Carslaw 273
Lucy Tobin: On a combinatorial conjecture for 4-manifold triangulations

2020, 2021 and 2022

No formal meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2019 – second semester

Friday, 13 September, 11:00–13:00
Daryl Cooper: Deformations of Properly Convex Real Projective Structures I
Friday, 20 September, 10:00–12:00
Daryl Cooper: Deformations of Properly Convex Real Projective Structures II
Friday, 27 September, 10:00–12:00
Daryl Cooper: Deformations of Properly Convex Real Projective Structures III
Friday, 18 October, 10:00–12:00
Daryl Cooper: Deformations of Properly Convex Real Projective Structures IV
Friday, 1 November, 10:00–12:00
Daryl Cooper: Deformations of Properly Convex Real Projective Structures V

2019 – first semester

Friday, 6 May, 10:00–12:00
Boris Lishak: Trisections via handle decompositions
Friday, 17 May, 14:00–16:00
Behrouz Taji: Ample line bundles and the Kodeira embedding theorem
Monday, 20 May, 10:00–12:00
Behrouz Taji: Branched coverings and trisections
Monday, 3 June, 10:00–12:00 in 535A
Henry Segerman: Ray-marching and ray-tracing in hyperbolic space

2017 – first semester


Friday, 10 February, 10:00–12:00 (Week 1)
Robert Haraway: Intersections of curves on surfaces, I
Friday, 17 February, 10:00–12:00 (Week 2)
Dominic Tate: Intersections of curves on surfaces, II
Friday, 24 February, 10:00–12:00 (Week 3)
Alex Casella: Intersections of curves on surfaces, III
Friday, 10 March, 10:00–12:00 (Week 4)
Dickson Annor: Intersections of curves on surfaces, IV
Friday, 7 April, 10:00–12:00 (Week 5)
Boris Lishak: Intersections of curves on surfaces, V
Friday, 5 May, 14:00–16:00 (Week 8)
Erwan Rousseau (Aix-Marseille): On a theorem of Bogomolov
Friday, 12 May, 14:00–16:00 (Week 9)
Robert Haraway: MOM-1.5 topology, part 1
Friday, 19 May, 14:00–16:00 (Week 10)
Craig Westerland (Minnesota): Braid groups and shuffle algebras
Friday, 26 May, 14:00–16:00 (Week 11)
Robert Haraway: MOM-1.5 topology, part 2
Friday, 2 June, 14:00–16:00 (Week 12)
Montek Gill (Michigan): TBA
Friday, 9 June, 14:00–16:00 (Week 13)
Friday, 16 June, 10:00–12:00, Location TBA (Week 14)
Charlie Katerba (Montana): TBA

2016 – second semester


Friday, 29 July, 11:00
Robert Haraway: The MOM project
Thursday, 8 September (Week 6)
Alex Casella: Basics on Symplectic and Poisson Structures
Thursday, 22 September (Week 7)
Alex Casella: On Goldman’s Poisson Structure and Formula
Thursday, 6 October (Week 9)
Alex Casella: Fock and Goncharov Moduli space and its Poisson Structure
Thursday, 13 October (Week 10)
Alex Casella: Compatibility of Poisson Brackets I - Monodromy operator
Thursday, 20 October (Week 11)
Alex Casella: Compatibility of Poisson Brackets II - Tunnels and their contribution
Thursday, 27 October (Week 12)
Alex Casella: Compatibility of Poisson Brackets III - Conclusion of the proof
Thursday, 25 November (11:00–11:30)
Dominic Tate: Bounded Functions on Triangulated Surfaces with Framed Convex Projective Structure
Thursday, 25 November (11:30–12:00)
Alex Casella: Fock and Goncharov Moduli Space and its Poisson Structure

2016 – first semester

Tuesday, 8 March (Week 2)
James Parkinson: Introduction to Euclidean buildings, I
Tuesday, 15 March (Week 3)
James Parkinson: Introduction to Euclidean buildings, II
Tuesday, 22 March (Week 4)
Stephan Tillmann: Degenerations of hyperbolic structures and actions on trees
Tuesday, 4 April (Week 5)
Eric Chesebro (Montana): Geometry of 2-bridge links
Tuesday, 11 April (Week 6)
Robert Haraway is giving a talk at UNSW
Tuesday, 18 April (Week 7)
Alex Casella: More about buildings, I
Tuesday, 25 April (Week 8)
Alex Casella: More about buildings, II
Tuesday, 31 May (Week 13)
Discussion: Fock and Goncharov revisited
Tuesday, 14 June (Week 15)
Robert Tang (Oklahoma): All about the curve complex
Tuesday, 21 June
Kate Turner (EPFL): Algorithms to compute persistent homology – cancelled
Tuesday, 30 June
Robert Tang (Oklahoma): Electrified Teichmüller space and subsurface projection

2015 – second semester


Tuesday, 21 July (Week 0)
Montek Gill: Kabaya, Sections 1–3
Tuesday, 28 July (Week 1)
Montek Gill: Kabaya, Sections 3–4
Tuesday, 4 August (Week 2)
Stephan Tillmann: Properly convex projective structures on surfaces
Tuesday, 11 August (Week 3)
Alex Casella: Fock-Goncharov, Section 2.1
Tuesday, 18 August (Week 4)
Alex Casella: Fock-Goncharov, Section 2.2
Tuesday, 25 August (Week 5)
Robert Haraway: Fock-Goncharov, Section 2.3
Tuesday, 1 September (Week 6)
Robert Haraway: Fock-Goncharov, Section 2.3
Tuesday, 8 September (Week 7)
Robert Haraway: Fock-Goncharov, Section 2.4
Tuesday, 15 September (Week 8)
Alex Casella: Fock-Goncharov, Section 2.5
Tuesday, 22 September (Week 9)
Alex Casella: Fock-Goncharov, Section 2.6–2.7
Tuesday, 6 October (Week 10)
Tuesday, 13 October (Week 11)
Tuesday, 20 October (Week 12)

2015 – first semester

Tuesday, 10 March (Week 2)
Stephan Tillmann: Developing map and holonomy, I
Tuesday, 17 March (Week 3)
Stephan Tillmann: Developing map and holonomy, II
Tuesday, 24 March (Week 4)
Montek Gill: Triangulations, fundamental group and covering spaces
Tuesday, 14 April (Week 6)
Alex Casella: Thurston's hyperbolic gluing equations, I
Tuesday, 21 April (Week 7)
Alex Casella: Thurston's hyperbolic gluing equations, II
Tuesday, 28 April (Week 8)
Grace Garden: The mapping class group, I
Tuesday, 5 May (Week 9)
Grace Garden: The mapping class group, II
Tuesday, 12 May (Week 10)
Dominic Tate: The Teichmüller space of a surface, I
Tuesday, 26 May (Week 12)
Dominic Tate: The Teichmüller space of a surface, II
Tuesday, 2 June (Week 13)
Hemanth Saratchandran (Oxford): Kirby calculus, I
Tuesday, 9 June (Week 14)
Hemanth Saratchandran (Oxford): Kirby calculus, II
