Miscellaneous areas in Probability and Statistics:

I have worked in a few other areas, in small ways, producing papers in stochastic control theory (#8 and #9), point processes (#19), random walks & Brownian motion (#69) and self-organising systems (#54). I have also engaged in statistical consulting projects (#16, #22, #24, #49).

8. Cowan, R. and Zabczyk, J. A new version of the best choice problem. Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. 24, 9 773-778 (1976).

9. Cowan, R. and Zabczyk, J. An optimal selection problem associated with the Poisson Process. Theory of Probability and its Applications 23 606-624 (1978) .

16. Simon, R. and Cowan, R. Collisions with roadside objects. Report for the NSW Traffic Authority. (1979).

19. Cowan, R. Lectures notes on the theory of point processes. (in Polish) Matematyka Stosowana ziii (1978) 5-27.

22. Cowan, R. A stochastic model of the BOS steel making furnace. SIROMATH Technical Report (1981).

24. Cowan, R. The Statistical Consequences of Changes in Sampling Lot Size for the Output of Australian Sugar Mills. SIROMATH Technical report (1982).

49. Pennycuik, P. and Cowan, R. Odour and food preferences of house mice, Mus musculus. Aust. J. Zoology 38 241-247 (1990).

54. Lam, K. and Cowan, R. Stochastic reversibility in self-organising systems. Stochastic Models  8, 325-336 (1992).

59. Cowan, R. Expected pattern frequency in Markov Chain realisations conditional upon transition counts. Theory of Probability and its Applications  37, 320-322 (1992).

69. Chong, K. S., Cowan, R. and Holst, L. The ruin problem and cover times of asymmetric random walks and Brownian motions. Adv.Appl. Prob. 32, 177-192 (2000) Download post-script file.

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