SMS scnews item created by Daniel Daners at Fri 21 Mar 2014 2152
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 24 Mar 2014
Calendar1: 24 Mar 2014 1400-1500
CalLoc1: AGR Carslaw 829
Auth: (ddan2237) in SMS-WASM

PDE Seminar

Sobolev type inequalities for doubling metric measure spaces


Thierry Coulhon (Director MSI)
Australian National University
24 March 2014 14:00-15:00, Carslaw Room 829 (AGR)


Consider a doubling metric measure space with a notion of gradient. One writes two scales of adapted global Nash and Gagliardo-Nirenberg Lp inequalities with different geometric contents as p varies and one studies their relationship. Under some suitable assumptions on the associated operator, the L2 version is equivalent to a heat kernel upper bound. This relies on joint works with Salahaddine Boutayeb and Adam Sikora.

Check also the PDE Seminar page. Enquiries to Daniel Hauer or Daniel Daners.