University of Sydney Algebra Seminars in 2009

Click on the title to see the abstract.

Mon 9th Ivan Shestakov Tame and wild automorphisms of free algebras
Fri 6th Jonathan Hillman Indecomposable $PD_3$-complexes with virtually free fundamental group
Fri 27th Jeremie Guilhot Semicontinuity properties of Kazhdan-Lusztig cells in affine Weyl groups of rank 2
Wed 1st Ian Grojnowski An introduction to the Beilinson-Bernstein theorem
Fri 3rd Ian Grojnowski Almost local differential operators
Fri 17th Balázs Szendröi Superpotential algebras
Fri 24th Peter Trapa Functors for representations of GL(n,F)
Fri 1st Jun Hu On a generalisation of the Dipper--James--Murphy Conjecture
Fri 8th Ruibin Zhang Quantum group actions on noncommutative algebras and equivariant K-theory
Fri 15th Alex Molev Higher Sugawara operators for gl(n)
Fri 29th Andrew Mathas Graded cellular algebras and the cyclotomic Khovanov-Lauda algebras
Fri 5th Jie Du A modified BLM approach to quantum affine gl_n
Fri 12th Peter Tingley Quantum groups, braidings and crystals
Fri 19th James Parkinson Random walks on affine buildings and representations of affine Hecke algebras
Fri 26th Mikhail Kotchetov Group gradings on finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras
Fri 3rd Anne Thomas Existence, covolumes and infinite generation of lattices for Davis complexes
Mon 13th David Eisenbud Plato's Cave: What we still don't know about linear projections
Fri 17th Justin Sawon Applications of twisted Fourier-Mukai transforms
Fri 24th Alan Stapledon Arc spaces and equivariant cohomology
Fri 31st Alan Carey Index theory in the noncommutative world
Fri 7th Zajj Daugherty Two boundary graded centralizer algebras
Fri 14th Adam Parusinski Motivic integration and singularities of real analytic functions
Fri 21st Jose Burillo Metric properties about the family of Thompson's groups
Fri 28th Anthony Henderson Pieces of nilpotent cones for classical groups
Fri 4th John Rice An introduction to the Geometric Langlands Conjectures -- Part I
Fri 25th Geordie Williamson Knot homology and geometric representation theory
Fri 2nd Ezra Getzler Topological field theory in two dimensions and a filtration of Deligne-Mumford moduli spaces
Fri 9th John Rice An introduction to the Geometric Langlands Conjectures -- Part II
Fri 23rd Derek Holt Artin groups of large type are automatic
Fri 6th Michael Finkelberg Laumon resolutions and quiver varieties
Fri 13th Leonid Rybnikov Hamiltonian reduction, Yangians and quantization of Laumon moduli spaces
Fri 20th Karen Dancer Hopf algebras and solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation
Fri 27th Amnon Neeman Generators in triangulated categories
Fri 4th Scott Murray Computing fundamental domains for congruence subgroups of SL2
Fri 11th Yucai Su Generalised Verma modules for the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(k|2)