

University of Sydney Algebra Seminar

Anna Romanova (University of Utah)

Friday 1 December, 12-1pm, Place: Carslaw 375

A Kazhdan-Lusztig algorithm for Whittaker modules

The category of Whittaker modules for a complex semisimple Lie algebra generalizes the category of highest weight modules and displays similar structural properties. In particular, Whittaker modules have finite length composition series and all irreducible Whittaker modules appear as quotients of certain standard Whittaker modules which are generalizations of Verma modules. Using the localization theory of Beilinson-Bernstein, one obtains a beautiful geometric description of Whittaker modules as twisted sheaves of D-modules on the associated flag variety. I use this geometric setting to develop an analogue of the Kazhdan-Lusztig algorithm for computing the multiplicities of irreducible Whittaker modules in the composition series of standard Whittaker modules.