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Members of the School of Mathematics and Statistics

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Professional Staff

Bryant, Hannah SMRI Administration Officer Quad L4.42 8627 9377
Burn, Jennifer School Manager Carslaw 524 8627 6698
Cannon, Anne Research Assistant Carslaw 618 9351 6495
9351 3338
Colhoun, Amber Program Manager of Sydney Precision Data Science Centre Carslaw 826
Dimech, Dominic Education Support Officer Carslaw 520 8627 9952
Doyle, Kate SMRI Executive Officer Quad L4.47 9351 6587
Guerreiro, Richard Finance Manager Carslaw 516 9351 2105
Hills, Rodd Education Support Officer Carslaw 520 9351 5787
Janson, Bruce Computer Systems Officer Carslaw 826 9351 3276
Kennedy, Lucy Executive Officer Carslaw 524 9351 5804
Kiu, Cynthia Education Support Officer Carslaw 521 9351 4161
Lopez, Noëlla Executive Assistant Carslaw 523 9351 4533
Luo, Miranda Senior Project Officer of Sydney Precision Data Science Centre Carslaw 826
Meister, Catherine SMRI Communications Coordinator Quad L4.45
Morr, Sonia Research Administration Officer Carslaw 531 9351 5809
Sadowski, Annie Educational Designer Carslaw 531 8627 0075
Selby-Brown, Sokunthy Education Support Officer Carslaw 521 8627 6335
Swanson, Stephanie Executive Research Assistant Carslaw 631 9351 8080
Szabo, Paul Computer Systems Manager Carslaw 639 9351 3806
Torkel, Marni Research Assistant
Urami, Yuria Education Support Officer Carslaw 521
Wilson, Mike Computer Systems Officer

Academic and Research Staff

Ahmed, Ishraq Postdoctoral Research Associate
Aksamit, Anna Senior Lecturer Carslaw 632 8627 8793
Altmann, Eduardo Professor Carslaw 526 9351 2448
Badziahin, Dzmitry Associate Professor Carslaw 634 9351 3279
Bailey, Geoff Research Fellow Carslaw 608 9351 5777
Bian, Beilei Postdoctoral Research Associate
Brownlowe, Nathan Associate Professor Carslaw 622
Cameron, Rosie Senior Lecturer Carslaw 707A
Cannon, John Professor Carslaw 618 9351 6495
9351 3338
Cao, Yue Postdoctoral Research Associate
Carberry, Emma Senior Lecturer Carslaw 723 9351 3796
Cartwright, Tiernan Postgraduate Teaching Fellow Carslaw 807
Chan, Jennifer Professor Carslaw 817 9351 4873
Cîrstea, Florica-Corina Professor Carslaw 719 9351 2965
Combes, Lewis Postdoctoral Research Associate Carslaw 530 8627 0697
Coulembier, Kevin Professor Carslaw 717 9351 3332
Cresswell, Clio Senior Lecturer c/o Carslaw 523 9351 4533
Cui, Tiangang Senior Lecturer Carslaw 489
Dancso, Zsuzsanna Associate Professor Carslaw 713 9351 2049
Daners, Daniel Associate Professor Carslaw 715 9351 2966
Davoudabadi, Mohammad Javad Postdoctoral Research Associate Carslaw 637
Desiraju, Harini Postdoctoral Research Associate Carslaw 630 9351 3879
Ding, Wenze Postdoctoral Research Associate Carslaw 827
Duignan, Nathan Academic Fellow
Dullin, Holger Professor Carslaw 714 9351 4083
Easdown, David Associate Professor Carslaw 619 9351 4217
Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan Principal Research Fellow
Fajardo, Oscar Postdoctoral Fellow
Feng, Renjie Postdoctoral Research Fellow Quad L4.47
Fish, Alexander Associate Professor Carslaw 712 9351 2968
Germano, Domenic Research Associate Carslaw 530 8627 0697
Ghazanfar, Shila Senior Lecturer Carslaw 708
Goertzen, Tom Postdoctoral Research Associate
Goldys, Ben Professor Carslaw 709 9351 2976
Gottwald, Georg Professor Carslaw 625 9351 5784
Grazian, Clara Senior Lecturer Carslaw 822
Heng, Edmund Postdoctoral Research Associate Carslaw 530
Hiatt, Harry Postgraduate Teaching Fellow
Hone, Christopher Research Associate Carslaw 484 9351 5803
Jackson, Adele Postdoctoral Research Associate
Jeralds, Sam Lecturer Carslaw 485
Joshi, Nalini Professor Carslaw 629 9351 2172
Keich, Uri Associate Professor Carslaw 821 9351 2307
Khodabakhsh, Neda Postgraduate Teaching Fellow Carslaw 807
Kim, Peter Professor Carslaw 621 9351 2970
Kyng, Madeleine Research Officer Carslaw 608
Lanier, Justin Postdoctoral Research Associate
Lapuz, Timothy Postgraduate Teaching Fellow Carslaw 806
Le Fils, Thomas Postdoctoral Research Associate Quad L4.47
Liang, Cabiria Postgraduate Teaching Fellow
Lin, Damian Postgraduate Teaching Fellow Carslaw 807
Lin, Jaslene Senior Lecturer Carslaw 707A
Little, Ellie Postgraduate Teaching Fellow Carslaw 807
Liu, Jiakun Associate Professor Carslaw 488
Lustri, Christopher Senior Lecturer Carslaw 627
Mandal, Pinak Research Associate Carslaw 483
Marangell, Robert Associate Professor Carslaw 720 9351 5795
Mathas, Andrew Professor Carslaw 718 9351 6058
McLeod, Damien Postgraduate Teaching Fellow Carslaw 806
Mitry, John Lecturer Carslaw 707A 9351 5070
Molev, Alexander Professor Carslaw 707 9351 5793
Moolchand, Prannath Postdoctoral Research Associate Carslaw 484
Myerscough, Mary Professor Carslaw 626 9351 3724
Narayanan, Ashvni Postdoctoral Researcher Quad L4.47
Ndenda, Joseph Protas Postdoctoral Research Associate Carslaw 806
Nghiem, Linh Hoang Lecturer Carslaw 823
Nurcombe, Madeline Postdoctoral Research Associate
Ormerod, John Associate Professor Carslaw 815 9351 5883
Panwar, Pratibha Postdoctoral Fellow
Park, Jun Yong Lecturer Carslaw 493
Parkinson, James Associate Professor Carslaw 614 9351 4221
Patrick, Ellis Associate Professor Carslaw 816
Paunescu, Laurentiu Professor Carslaw 721 9351 2969
Peiris, Shelton Associate Professor Carslaw 819 9351 5764
Pitt, Jordan Senior Lecturer Carslaw 490
Qin, Alex Research Assistant
Radnović, Milena Associate Professor Carslaw 624 9351 5782
Roberts, Brad Lecturer Carslaw 606
Roberts, Lindon Lecturer Carslaw 638 9351 5779
Robertson, Nicholas Software Engineer
Roffelsen, Pieter Postdoctoral Fellow Carslaw 630 9351 3879
Rutkowski, Marek Professor Carslaw 814 9351 1923
Sherman, Alex Postdoctoral Fellow Carslaw 530
Sohail, Ayesha Lecturer Carslaw 708
Spreer, Jonathan Associate Professor Carslaw 623
Steel, Allan Senior Research Fellow Carslaw 617 9351 3049
Stephen, Sharon Associate Professor Carslaw 525 9351 3048
Stewart, Michael Associate Professor Carslaw 818 9351 5765
Strbenac, Dario Research Associate Carslaw 827 9351 3039
Sun, Qiuzhuang Lecturer Carslaw 494
Sutherland, Nicole Magma Software Engineer Carslaw 617 9351 3049
Tarr, Garth Associate Professor Carslaw 828 8627 8033
Thomas, Anne Associate Professor Carslaw 716 9351 3357
Tillmann, Stephan Professor Quad L4.44 9351 2005
Tran, Andy Lecturer Carslaw 707A
Tubbenhauer, Daniel Senior Research Fellow
Unger, Bill Senior Research Associate Carslaw 616 9351 3814
Voight, John Professor Carslaw 613 9351 5763
Wang, Qiying Professor Carslaw 825 9351 5762
Wang, Rachel Associate Professor Carslaw 820
Warren, Diana Associate Professor Carslaw 527 9351 2108
Wechselberger, Martin Professor Carslaw 628 9351 3860
Williamson, Geordie Professor Quad L4.41 9351 5806
Wormell, Caroline Lecturer Carslaw 491
Wu, Haotian Senior Lecturer Carslaw 615 9351 4077
Yacobi, Oded Associate Professor Carslaw 724 9351 5460
Yang, Pengyi Associate Professor Carslaw 812
Yang, Jean Professor Carslaw 824 9351 3012
Yau, Yeeka Lecturer Carslaw 484
Ying, Yiming Professor of Statistical Data Science Carslaw 492
Yu, Lijia Research Associate
Zhang, Ruibin Professor Carslaw 722 9351 3444
Zhang, Wei Postdoctoral Research Associate Carslaw 528
Zhang, Wei Lecturer Carslaw 487
Zhang, Zhou Associate Professor Carslaw 620 9351 5780
Zhao, Yiran Research Fellow
Zhou, Dingxuan Professor and Head of School Carslaw 523 9351 4533
Zhou, Jackson Postgraduate Teaching Fellow
Zhou, Zhou Senior Lecturer Carslaw 607 9351 5808

Emeritus Professors

Dancer, Norman Emeritus Professor
Lehrer, Gus Emeritus Professor Carslaw 813 9351 2977
Robinson, John Emeritus Professor
Seneta, Eugene Emeritus Professor Carslaw 805 9351 3881
Weber, Neville Emeritus Professor Carslaw 805 9351 3881

Honorary Staff

Allen, David Honorary Professor
Berrick, Jon Honorary Professor Quad L4.30 8627 8584
Bertram, Christopher Honorary Professor Carslaw 636 9351 3646
Cartwright, Donald Honorary Reader
Cowan, Richard Visiting Professor
Dissanayake, Sanjaya Honorary Associate
Dong, Alice Xiaodan Honorary Associate
Farnell, Les Honorary Associate Carslaw 725 9351 2967
Fisher, Nick Visiting Professor Carslaw 725 9351 2967
Gagen, Terry Honorary Associate Professor
Gibson, Joel SMRI Research Affiliate Quad L4.30
Gibson, Bill Honorary Associate Professor Carslaw 725 9351 2967
Hammer, Joseph Former Senior Lecturer
Hauer, Daniel Honorary Associate
Henderson, Anthony Honorary Professor
Hillman, Jonathan Honorary Reader Carslaw 609 9351 5775
Howlett, Bob Honorary Associate Professor Carslaw 725
Ivers, David Honorary Associate Professor Carslaw 725
James, Ron Honorary Associate Professor Carslaw 636 8627 8087
Kawai, Ray Honorary Professor
Krawczyk, Jacek B Honorary Associate Professor
Kuo, Tzee-Char Former Reader Carslaw 721 9351 2969
Macaskill, Charlie Honorary Associate Professor
Mack, John Former Associate Professor
Muller, Samuel Honorary Professor
Palmer, William Honorary Senior Lecturer
Phillips, Collin Honorary Senior Lecturer 9351 4225
Rice, John Honorary Professor
Stapledon, Alan SMRI Research Affiliate Quad L4.30
Stark, Alan Honorary Associate
Taylor, Don Honorary Associate Professor Carslaw 609 9351 5775
Wang, Kevin Honorary Affiliate
Winch, Denis Honorary Associate Professor Carslaw 725 9351 3235
Zhang, Yunwei Research Affiliate

Postgraduate Students and Interns

NameResearch AreaRoomPhone
Alarfaj, Eman Nonlinear Analysis
Alfaifi, Zainab Statistics
Ameen, Farhan Statistics Carslaw 807
Bednarek, Alexander Pure Mathematics Carslaw 807
Bridger, Nick Representation theory Carslaw 807
Canete, Nicolas Statistics
Cartwright, Tiernan Pure Mathematics Carslaw 807
Chen, Hao Statistics Carslaw 807
Chen, Nia Statistics
Chen, Qikun Statistics
Cheng, Yuxuan Representation theory
De Beer, Alex Bayesian statistics
Ding, Yining Applied Mathematics Carslaw 807
Draca, Dario Statistics
Farooq, Muhammad Asim Applied Mathematics Carslaw 807
Freestone, Jack Statistics Carslaw 486
Gabor, James Statistics Carslaw 807
Gadhi, Adel Statistics Carslaw 807
Hawi, Georgio Applied Mathematics
Hiatt, Harry Nonlinear Analysis
Hobkirk, William Manifolds and cell complexes Carslaw 807
Hogan, Tamara Pure Mathematics
Holroyd, Joshua Applied Mathematics Carslaw 487 9351 5728
Hone, Christopher Pure Mathematics Carslaw 484 9351 5803
Huang, Martin Statistics Carslaw 807
Huang, Zheng Lyu Statistics Carslaw 807
Irvine, Henry Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
Jayakumar, Rojashree Bioinformatics
Jayathunga, Shanika Statistics
Joudah, Ibrahim Statistics
Kenny, Johann Statistics
Khatun, Shanta Applied Mathematics
Khodabakhsh, Neda Applied Mathematics Carslaw 807
Klein, Finn Representation theory
Koprinski, Cristina Mathematical biology
Lama, Benedict Nonlinear Analysis
Lapuz, Timothy Applied Mathematics Carslaw 806
Lee, Ian Statistics
Liang, Cabiria Statistics
Lim, Matthew Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
Lin, Damian Pure Mathematics Carslaw 807
Little, Ellie Pure Mathematics Carslaw 807
Liu, Fangyu Applied Mathematics
Liu, Peilin Applied Mathematics Carslaw 807
Ma, Jingjing
McLaren, Kyle Nonlinear Analysis
McLeod, Damien Applied Mathematics Carslaw 806
Miltchinov, Nikola Statistics Carslaw 807
Morgan, James Pure Mathematics Carslaw 486 9351 5771
Mushunje, Leonard Statistics Carslaw 807
Newton, Joseph Pure Mathematics
Palshin, Gleb Integrable systems
Perrin, Mark Pure Mathematics
Qiao, Hongfei Mathematical biology
Qin, Tao Representation theory Carslaw 807
Ragas, Ruzzel Nonlinear Analysis
Robertson, Harry Statistics
Sa, Xiao Jeffrey Applied Mathematics
Shankar, Rajan Statistics Carslaw 807
Skinner, Sean Pure Mathematics Carslaw 807
Slegers, Jessica Nonlinear Analysis
Stewart, Willow Combinatorics Carslaw 807
Tang, Kejia Computational statistics and machine learning
Tao, Yuanming Networks and complex systems Carslaw 528
Tobin, Lucy Geometry, Topology and Analysis Carslaw 807
Tran, Andy Statistics Carslaw 707A
Tran, Daniel Applied Mathematics Carslaw 807
Vlaskin, Alexey Statistics Carslaw 807
Wagle, Manoj Statistics Carslaw 807
Wang, Chuhan Computer Science
Willie, Elijah Statistics
Wondo, Hosea Geometry, Topology and Analysis Carslaw 807
Woodard, Zoe Applied Mathematics
Woollard, Maximilian Statistics Carslaw 807
Xu, Huansang Applied Mathematics
Yau, Chester Pure Mathematics Carslaw 827
Zhao, Yuxin Statistical theory
Zheng, Collin Applied Mathematics
Zhou, Junyu Applied Mathematics
Zhou, Jackson Statistics

Recent Postgraduate Students

NameResearch GroupRoomPhone
Ahmed, Ishraq Applied Mathematics
Alhuntushi, Nasser Statistics Carslaw 807
Alotaibi, Ibrahim Pure Mathematics Carslaw 528 9351 5791
Badre, Carol Pure Mathematics Carslaw 807
Baine, Joseph Pure Mathematics
Bokor Bleile, Yossi Statistics
Bui, Thi Thu Huong Applied Mathematics
Burrull, Gaston Pure Mathematics Carslaw 528 9351 5791
Burton, Lachlan Applied Mathematics Carslaw 487 9351 5728
Cao, Yue Statistics
Cartwright, Madeleine Applied Mathematics Carslaw 528 9351 5791
Cassell, Matthew Applied Mathematics
Chan, Adam See-Yuen Statistics Carslaw 807
Ciappara, Joshua Pure Mathematics
Collier, Timothy Nonlinear Analysis
Curran, Mitchell Applied Mathematics Carslaw 488 9351 5772
Dawson, Sean Applied Mathematics Carslaw 494 9351 5805
Ebadi, Arya Statistics Carslaw 807
Garden, Grace Pure Mathematics
Gardiner, Sean Pure Mathematics
He, Yue Applied Mathematics Carslaw 530 8627 0697
Hester, Eric Applied Mathematics Carslaw 530 8627 0697
Huang, Hao Statistics
Hunt, Richard Statistics
James, Nicholas Statistics
Jiao, Chunxi Statistics Carslaw 807
Kim, Edward Applied Mathematics Carslaw 807
Kim, Hani Jieun Bioinformatics
Kim, Taiyun Statistics
Lasic Latimer, Tomas Applied Mathematics Carslaw 530 8627 0697
Leong, Xing Yee Statistics
Lin, Yingxin Statistics Carslaw 827
Liu, Cathy Applied Mathematics Carslaw 534
Loughland, Isabella Applied Mathematics
Lyu, Mengfan Pure Mathematics Carslaw 807 9114 1258
Ma, Yilin Nonlinear Analysis
Mangalath, Vishnu Pure Mathematics Carslaw 494 9351 5805
Morgenstern, Tal Applied Mathematics
Mui, Jonathan Nonlinear Analysis Carslaw 807
Nguyen, Diana Minh Huyen Applied Mathematics
Osaka, Haruki Statistics
Papadopoulos, George Mathematics Education Carslaw 807 9351 6298
Pooladvand, Pantea Applied Mathematics
Qiu, Qinjing Applied Mathematics Carslaw 806 9351 5767
Smith, Connor Statistics Carslaw 806 9351 5767
Song, Gwen Applied Mathematics Carslaw 530 8627 0697
Su, Peng Statistics Carslaw 807 8627 0652
Townsend, Kane Representation theory Carslaw 530 8627 0697
Trad, William Nonlinear Analysis Carslaw 807
Usman, Farha Statistics Carslaw 490 9351 5730
Wang, Zitao Statistics
Wang, Ziyuan Applied Mathematics
Wiggins, Giulian Pure Mathematics
Won, Joshua Applied Mathematics
Wong, Steven Statistics Carslaw 807
Wu, Helen Statistics
Wu, Victor Pure Mathematics Carslaw 487
Xu, Xiangnan Statistics Carslaw 807
Yang, James Ting Feng Applied Mathematics Carslaw 807
Yau, Yeeka Statistics Carslaw 484
Yu, Lijia Statistics
Yue, Wenqi Applied Mathematics Carslaw 807
Zeaiter, Zeaiter Nonlinear Analysis Carslaw 488 9351 5772
Zhang, Yang Pure Mathematics
Zhang, Yunwei Statistics

Master of Mathematical Sciences Students

An, Shuyuan MMathSci Student
Angelopoulos, Christian MMathSci Student
Bi, Chang MMathSci Student
Brodsky-Grey, Leo MMathSci Student
Cao, Shurui MMathSci Student
Dang, Yiwen MMathSci Student
De Stradis, Mikaela MMathSci Student
Dyer, Scott MMathSci Student
Edelman, Jake MMathSci Student
Elhindi, Alec MMathSci Student
Fry, Luca MMathSci Student
Inkiriwang, Jonathan MMathSci Student
Koch, Peter MMathSci Student
Li, James MMathSci Student
Lin, Dongyuan MMathSci Student
Liu, Jason MMathSci Student
Lu, Yu MMathSci Student
Muller, Yannick MMathSci Student
Naqvi, Danish MMathSci Student
Ng, Yi MMathSci Student
Peters, Harrison MMathSci Student
Saryazdi, Sepehr MMathSci Student
Tease, Brendan MMathSci Student
Wang, Tianyi MMathSci Student
Wang, Xueru MMathSci Student
Widiasti, Arifa MMathSci Student
Wong, Jasmin MMathSci Student
Wu, Allan MMathSci Student
Yuan, Jenny MMathSci Student
Zhang, Chi MMathSci Student
Zhang, Hongyang MMathSci Student
Zhang, Ruihan MMathSci Student
Zhang, Xu MMathSci Student
Zhao, Yuru MMathSci Student
Zhao, Yijia MMathSci Student
Zheng, Yi MMathSci Student

Honours and Graduate Diploma Students

Arms, Katharina Pure Mathematics
Boyle, Maxwell Pure Mathematics
Bruwel, Daniel Pure Mathematics
Chen, Miaomiao Data Science
Chen, Xuejiao Data Science
Cooney, Quinn Applied Mathematics
Curtis, Archie Pure Mathematics
Feng, Mason Financial Mathematics
Gass, James Pure Mathematics
Han, Fei Applied Mathematics
Harris, Matthew Statistics
He, Russell Data Science
Hill, Daniel Applied Mathematics
Koike, Akito Pure Mathematics
Li, Mingyu Data Science
Lin, Han Financial Mathematics
Liu, Chang Data Science
Liu, Alex Data Science
Liu, Zhuojun Financial Mathematics
Pita de Abreu, Tanya Applied Mathematics
Punyane, Hemang Pure Mathematics
Qin, Xinyi Data Science
Roychoudhry, Lara Pure Mathematics
Sackelariou, Alexandre Pure Mathematics
Skender, Liam Data Science
Stanbridge, Natasha Data Science
Wang, Beier Data Science
Wang, Zhiyi Applied Mathematics
Watson, Jackson Statistics
Wei, Xiaoying Data Science
Wilkinson-Finch, Tilda Pure Mathematics
Wu, Kylie Financial Mathematics
Zammit, Declan Pure Mathematics
Zammit, Jarrod Pure Mathematics
Zhang, Haomo Data Science
Zheng, Thomas Pure Mathematics

External Lecturers and Tutors

(Only those who currently have classes are listed)
Cranch, Nicholas Former PhD Student Carslaw 530 8627 0697
Denier, James External Tutor
El Rafei, Farah External Tutor
Neves, Leah Former PhD Student
Raffoul, Raed Former Honours Student
Viera, Fernando External Lecturer Carslaw 606